• Aurora cluster
  • Aurora clusters 2
  • Aurora clusters

High Chill


Aurora blueberries are one of the latest ripening Highbush varieties. Berries are on average about 25% larger than Elliott with a slightly darker color. Aurora blueberries are often more resistant to cracking and shriveling than Elliott and as a result, it can be allowed to hang longer, and develop better flavor. We recommend the Aurora blueberry for growers where a cold hardy, hand harvest berry is desired to extend the fresh market season.

Licensed Variety Badge

Licensed Variety

Licensed to Fall Creek®. Royalties may apply. Please contact your regional Fall Creek® representative for details.

Berry Size:

Large Large Size
Primary Use: Fresh
fruit qualities: Medium Blue, Firm, Tart
Bush Habit: Rounded, Spreading, Vigoroso
Chilling Level: High Chill
Ripening Season  
Triangle Season Scale
Very Late

Currently, Aurora is the latest ripening highbush in northern Europe. The quality of fruit is not always as good as mid- or early-season varieties, as it can be very acidic. However, for those growers who want to take advantage of the late market prices, it is a good option.
--Andrea Pergher
Technical Grower Support