Leading The Way In Breeding

What do we believe is the key driver of positive change in blues? Genetics. Improving the quality of berries that consumer bring home from the grocer is paramount. Remember - the consumer is boss. And research shows they are disappointed often with the blueberries they buy. Imagine for a moment how consistently increasing their level of satisfaction has the potential to increase sales. 

So many growers today are still growing blueberry varieties from decades ago - some are 30-50, even 70 years, old. There have been great advancements in genetics since those early varieties and there are more coming. 

Fall Creek® Breeding

At Fall Creek®, we are more committed than ever to collaborating with growers and to being a leading source of solutions that will drive innovation and improvement in the blueberry category. First and foremost, our breeding and licensing programs offer new varieties with ever-improving qualities that will deliver considerable competitive advantages to growers. 

We are continuing to invest significantly in our breeding program including three PhD breeders worldwide collaborating across chill zones. We now have a comprehensive applied research team working closely with our breeder scientists and global grower support team to drive innovation and to share knowledge with our licensees and customers. 

A Promising Future

We are convinced there is a great future in blueberries. It is our mission to work collaboratively with growers to learn, innovate and share ideas and to provide our customers with the absolute best in varieties, plants and technical support to ensure success for our partners in this exciting blueberry deal.