We at Fall Creek recognize the historical significance of Elizabeth Coleman White and her pioneering role in blueberry variety development and propagation in the early 1900's.  Whitesbog was a 600-acre cranberry farm owned by her father which later became her home and the location of her very important early work in blueberries.  Currently the Whitesbog Preservation Trust is working to elect Elizabeth Coleman White to the New Jersey Hall of Fame.  Here is their summary:

Please vote to help elect Elizabeth C. White, the developer of the highbush blueberry, to the New Jersey Hall of Fame. For our effort to be successful you need to do two things:

1) Click on the link and vote NOW at the New Jersey Hall of Fame, and

2) Send this to as many of you friends and colleagues as possible and get them to do the same.

You need not be a New Jersey resident to vote. You only need a valid e-mail address. So vote now and help us elect Elizabeth C. White.

Elizabeth Coleman White - blueberry domesticator, cranberry grower, conservation gardener and native-plant nurserywoman, holly grower and propagator, child welfare advocate, migrant labor advocate, lecturer

We certainly think she deserves a place in New Jersey's Hall of Fame.  Join us in voting for Elizabeth Coleman White.

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