Fall Creek Farm & Nursery, Inc. has named Jeff Ford as its Latin American Sales Manager.
In his new role at Fall Creek, Jeff will play a pivotal management role in driving Fall Creek’s strategic plan and growth in two key segments, Mexico and South America.
“Jeff Ford brings extensive international experience in the marketing and sales of fresh and processed
berries to Fall Creek. In his role, Jeff will manage sales and grower support for the established and
emerging blueberry growing regions of Latin America,” said David Schlosberg, Fall Creek’s Director of
Sales. “Having Jeff focused on sales and grower support in these regions will help to ensure that we
continue to support our growers in achieving maximum success in their blueberry operations in one of
the key counter-seasonal blueberry growing regions of the world.”
Most recently Jeff was in sales and marketing with Inabata Foods in South America. Prior to working for
Inabata Foods, Ford worked for a fresh cherry packer in Chile where he lived and worked for four years.
In his new position, Ford will manage Fall Creek’s Latin American sales and grower support teams and
work closely with Fall Creek’s Latin American partners and fruit growers. In reference to his new position
at Fall Creek, Ford said, “It offered the unique opportunity to work for a berry industry leader and serve
global berry companies in a different capacity while relocating back to the U.S. where I can be closer to
the rest of my family.”
Welcome aboard Jeff! 

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