Kasey Cronquist and the United States Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) are doing an outstanding job with their new podcast series, The Business of Blueberries.

This week's podcast features Dave Brazelton, Founder and Executive Chairman of the board of Fall Creek. Since its inception, Dave has led and chaired the USHBC Health Research Committee with a team of exceptional scientists and researchers as well as other passionate council members. The USHBC Health Research Committee has been funding scientific studies on the health benefits of blueberries.

In this podcast, Dave provides a historical look back at when the USHBC first started investing in blueberry health research and then continues with a current update on the health research projects taking place now and how the USHBC approaches the science of blueberry health research. This is important work funded by the industry that has a global impact.

Thank you to Kasey, the USHBC, Dave and the Health Research Committee for sharing this insight into the committee's work.


Link to recording:  https://player.captivate.fm/episode/a306dddd-5ba2-4380-8b7c-9a48504e1efe/

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