Following an extensive search, Fall Creek® Farm and Nursery, Inc., is pleased to announce that Ricardo Polis has joined Fall Creek® as Regional Director of South America. Based in Lima, Polis will lead Fall Creek®’s business in Peru and in other countries throughout South America.

Industrial Engineer by training, Polis is a veteran of South America’s agricultural industry, including extensive management experience in the production and exporting of fresh produce. Concurrent with his work at Fall Creek®, he will continue to serve as President of the Association of Peruvian Agrarian Exporters (AGAP).

“There were many strong candidates for our Regional Director position in South America but Ricardo’s long-time produce industry experience, high level executive leadership skills, and his deep personal commitment to the betterment and growth of Peru’s agricultural industry struck a chord with us. We look forward to his leadership in our South American business,“ says Oscar Verges, Chief Operations Officer of Fall Creek®.

Polis adds his own thoughts about his new position, “When I heard about this opportunity at Fall Creek®, I did some of my own discovery on this company. In speaking to several Fall Creek® customers in Peru, I was really impressed to have 100% of them give high praise to Fall Creek® as a company. There is also such a strong sense of family at Fall Creek® and I was immediately made to feel welcome and like a part of this family-owned business by every person I met.  I see exciting opportunities for continued growth in South America’s blueberry industry and Fall Creek® as a blueberry company is uniquely positioned to serve growers in Peru and beyond.”

All of us at Fall Creek® are proud to have Ricardo as a new member of our team and looking forward to working with him.  

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