While COVID-19 has halted in-person meetings across the globe, there are still those risking their health to help keep others safe. Alongside our many customers working tirelessly to keep food on the table for everyone else, one of our team members, who supports them, is helping the community in a unique way.

Meet Micah Weiss, a U.S. Sales & Grower Support Representative at Fall Creek. Based in Oregon, Micah is a regular at events and in grower fields across the Pacific Northwest. You might recognize him. What you probably don’t know is that when he’s not supporting customers, he’s supporting his community as an active member of Lane County Ground Search and Rescue as well as Eugene Mountain Rescue.

Micah’s entry into the world of rescue began after reading an article about one of the rescue teams that hiked into the Columbia River Gorge during the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire and saved a group of hikers. Having been on the trail previously, his interest was piqued. After a 101 course involving Lane County Ground Search and Rescue it only progressed.

Nowadays, Micah can be found doing high angle rope work, practicing rope systems, and even scaling waterfalls. Recently, Micah was part of a successful rescue involving helping a boy who had fallen from a dam wall.

When we asked Micah why he does what he does he said, “I get to learn all sorts of new skills and gain exposure to things I wouldn't normally get. A lot of the friends I have made are a part of these groups, which is what really makes it awesome. And, a lot of opportunities come out of that. Plus, it’s rewarding to get to respond and help, especially when you're part of the team helping. You get to give back.”

At Fall Creek, we have employees doing amazing things. Micah and his rescue work is just one example. Thank you Micah!

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