Katie Stagliano of Katie’s Krops sent us an update on the blueberry plants donated to her organization by Fall Creek.  Let’s just say that Katie is quite the prolific gardener! All but 15 of the 700 plants are in the ground! Most of the berries were split between three schools while a few plants were planted in the garden of a specific family in need. Katie blogged about the family here. Way to go girl!

Katie’s also in the midst of filming for a documentary that explores the ways a selection of individuals have taken the war on hunger into their own hands. Katie’s work is featured in the film, which includes the Fall Creek blueberries! Information on the project can be found at www.GiveMeYourHungry.com. Keep up the good work Katie! Fall Creek is proud to support the Katie’s Krops cause. Stay tuned for more updates on Katie’s blueberries.  



Katie's Krops Website


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