To all of our friends in the blueberry industry -

If you produce commercial blueberries in the United States or import blueberries you have probably received a ballot from the USDA regarding the referendum to determine whether or not to continue the US Highbush Blueberry Council.  This vote by producers and importers is required every five years under federal law.  The voting period runs through July 26.

On behalf of all of us at Fall Creek, we want to urge you to be certain to vote, and vote YES!  In this busy time it is easy to miss this critical action. Take a minute. Complete the ballot and vote Yes!  Call your blueberry neighbors. Make sure they vote! 

If you have been in the blueberry business for any length of time you know the profound,  proven, and critical contributions that this outstanding organization has made to your bottom line. If you are new and need convincing or just more information check the USHBC website or  call myself, Cort, Jon or Dick and we can share with you what the USHBC does for our industry.

In order to pass, the vote must be both a majority of eligible voters and a majority in total production. Let’s all take a moment to demonstrate that we support this organization 100%!  Our future depends on it.

Thank you for your time.

Dave Brazelton, President

Fall Creek Farm & Nursery, Inc.


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