The Driessen family of Driesvenplant nursery in The Netherlands and the Brazeltons of Fall Creek® have been friends since the 1980’s. Since that time, Driesvenplant has become a licensee of Fall Creek®’s blueberry varieties in Northern Europe and our teams work closely together. Today, we are proud to announce that Driesvenplant has joined Fall Creek®.  Link to PDF of press release. 


All of us at Fall Creek® have long-admired Driesvenplant. They are true innovators and their nursery in Holland is exceptional, producing some of the highest quality plants in the industry. The same professional Driesvenplant team that has expertly served their customers for years throughout Northern Europe will continue to serve these fine growers now under the name Fall Creek® Driesvenplant.


We are thrilled to welcome Leon, Marcel, Ronnie, Bas and their team to our global Fall Creek® family.

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